
DubVTransit2 is an Android app which allows West Virginia University students to calculated the fastest route to their campus destination. Don't waste time juggling websites, bus schedules, and Google Maps. Just enter your destination to quickly learn the fastest way to get class now.

This app is now open-source: https://github.com/Woermachine/DubVTransit2

Problem: WVU' s Personal Rapid Transit system (PRT) is an incredible feet of 1970s engineering, allowing students and the public to travel between West Virginia University's multiple campuses (Downtown, Engineering, and Medical). However, due to age, inclement whether, and other factors the system often goes down partially or completely during peak traffic hours. This spelling major trouble for students on a tight schedule.

This app is a tool which quickly allow students figure out the best option transit option


This is an app that I started working on as part of a project for CS 430 at WVU. I've continued working on it over the years as a place to learn and a portfolio builder.

Here is the apps Privacy Policy

Update 3/6/20 : I'm working on updating the app to Kotlin. I'm also planning to take the app open source

Update February 2021: I've added lots of changes to the app since I relaunched it. Besides completely moving the code to Kotlin. I completely overhauled most of the interface, see screenshots below.

This accompanies many changes under the hood. Originally, every page of this app was its own Activity. Now I'm utilizing a one host Activity many Fragments approach along with the newer Navigation Component. ListViews have been replaced with RecyclerViews. Ads have been removed. PNG icons have been converted to vector XMLs and overall everything is basically better.

I still have a few more goals for the app. I'd like to implement a theming system so there's a light & dark theme, I'd like to add some integration with Firebase to learn more about that, and I'd like to try making an iOS and maybe even a Kotlin/JS+React version using Kotlin multiplatform.